October 22, 2009

October 22, 2009: Cause and Effect : Os Mutantes

Before I get into this week's show...

We are in the middle of WRIR's Fall Fund Drive and what I want to do is take a minute to explain why our radio show, like so many of the shows at the station are truly one of a kind and hopefully a special treat to your ears each week.

Community radio is important because it represents the area it resides in while mirroring the community that surrounds it at the same time. On a musical level we put a ridiculous amount of effort into each show so musically it is as interesting as it is accurate.

Every week Alex and I pick an artist our group to highlight on our show and then the mad rush to educate ourselves begins. We read hours of articles and interviews about the artist and build our set list from the information we learn. Whenever possible we also reach out directly to bands and labels, friends of the artist, to make the two hours about the group are as truly reflective of their musical history as possible.

One aspect I don't think people realize is the music you hear each week does not come from a massive library at the radio station, it comes from our own personal collections or often from friends, fellow listener's, or the artist themselves! Our set lists are very personal yet reflect the community we are a part of so in many ways, it isn't just our show, it is a community effort.

We understand that because each show is so different from the next, you may not love them all but we are still opening doors to styles of music, whole genres some people may not be familiar with so if we aren't wowing you one week, maybe the next one will blow your mind. I know both Alex and I discover new music we love every day because of the show and keep learning every week as well.

Tonight we will be focusing on one of the founding bands of the Tropicalia movement Os Mutantes who came from Brazil in the late '60s. Incredibly this genre of music sounds as modern as ever and continues to inspire and influence new artists all the time. Like so many powerful movements in music it was youth based and a reaction against the environment around them, a military dictatorship that was oppressing and censoring artists. Often called the Beatles of Brazil, the Os Mutantes were not only exploring the parameters of pop music by blending several kinds of styles but they were also leading a revolution of new against the old ways; a creative cultural cycle we see over and over again.

Tonight from 7pm to 9PM we will be playing both well known and lesser known Tropicalia artists as well as dabbling in the genres that they grew out of, Samba and Bossa Nova. We will then introduce a list modern day artists whose music claim to be inspired by Os Mutantes and who are carrying on their unusual mash up of traditional Brazilian music with rock, pop, and psych.

Our set will include : The Beatles, Gilberto Gil, Jorge Ben, Beck, David Byrne, Gal Costa, Caetano Veloso, Hendrix, Nirvana, and lot's of surprises along the way.

If you appreciate and enjoy the one of a kind programming WRIR brings you each week like our show, please make a donation. There are lots of great premiums, we have special items just for our show tonight, AND if you come by the station in person to make a donation, we feed you! We welcome visitors to swing by and check out the station. After all this is your station too!

97.3 on the dial in RVA and www.wrir.org to stream live.

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