March 23, 2008

Thank You

Last night's Yeah-Yeah Girl night was a HUGE success. I can't believe how many people came out no less stayed all night long. THANK YOU!!!! I know it was a ladies night and all so it wasn't a shocker hothat lots of ladies were in attendance but I still can't believe how many cute girls reside in Richmond no less all seemed to be in the room last night. (For you single fellas who don't know where to take a vacation, you might want to venture into our neck of the woods for a few days)

Thanks to Kendra and the whole Ipanema crew for hosting the night and for offering me a chance to share my records with a roomful of people. Being an obsessive record collector is finally paying off - YAY!

I had a blast and since everything went so well it looks like Yeah Yeah Girl will be a reoccurring event every other month.


  1. All the cute RVA girls at your wedding seemed to be already paired up (insert frowny emoticon).

    Sorry I didn't make it down Saturday, but Samara Lubelski was in town to play some sleepy chamber rock. Also, I'm coming to RVA on Wednesday to see Steve Reich.

  2. Excuses excuses.

    And these were girls I didn't know and they were on the prowl, you missed out buddy.

