May 14, 2008

Monkey See / Money Do

Above : Allison from The Kills

Above: Jennifer of Royal Trux

Check out these wanna be RTX pictures of The Kills. Friggin Poncho and all.


  1. That reminds me...Free Kitten has a new CD coming out.

  2. It is a company thing - I will give you one the next time I see you.

  3. The kills are a menace to music..........much like haircut 100; a low res blip on the high dpi screen.......the blur obscures the ruse; no chops, no tunes and an unabashed grab at copping the sincere moves of true rockers. All the money that's spent on their buy-ins, buy-outs, comps, ads, and pay to plays will never sustain the sickly growth that is the kills as they have no roots....they'll gladly boost the flower but have no guts to fuel or feed it......they will always be needy and lacking
